Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Here is My Inquisition

Black metal in Raleigh. Sorry if you missed out cause it RULED.

Old Painless, Double Negative and Inquisition played at Six Forks Pub Dec. 5 for a last minute show put together by  some excellent people in Raleigh.

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Old Painless started the show off with destructive grindcore. They played a short set but it was pure brutality.

Next up was a Raleigh classic, Double Negative. If you haven't heard these hardcore hitters you should step up your game. Last year they ripped it apart with Corrosion of Conformity; this year it was Inquisition. Awesome each and every time.

Finally, Inquisition. Pure evil with corpse paint and all. This two piece played for probably close to 45 minutes or more and they typically play bigger venues like  Maryland Death Fest and Chaos in Tejas. It was super cool to hear their strange vocals and destructive drumming and guitar from so close.

If you missed this sorry sucker, it was awesome.


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