Thursday, November 10, 2011

EOT74 GLBT Center 11/8/11

EcoCar 2- Right now, we all use gasoline and fossil fuels to get around, but they won't last forever.  Students right here at NC State are working to solve the problem of oil addiction, and Nick had the story.

GLBT Center-  It's hard being a gay, lesbian, bisexual, or transgendered student here on campus.  Other students don't always understand what's going on in their heads.  The GLBT Center serves as a refuge for students who need support that they may not be getting elsewhere.  Jake met up with some members of the center and has the story.

Defense of Marriage Act- The Defense of Marriage Act, or DOMA, has become a hot-button issue here in North Carolina.  Recently in the student senate here at NC State, they came up with a bill of their own.  Jay has prepared a story to try and explain what's going on.

African Awareness Week- This week is African Awareness Week here at NC State, and Chris has the scoop on what it is, what it means to the campus, and what it means for the African American Cultural Center.

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