Friday, October 21, 2011

The Rosebuds Return to Triangle

Wednesday night, The Rosebuds return home to the triangle to play a show at Carrboro's Cat's Cradle, alongside recent Merge Records signee Hospitality and Mount Moriah front woman Heather McEntire.

I got to Cat's Cradle right before Hospitality started its set. The band has recently signed to Merge Records, with their debut album set to release January 31 of next year. I wasn't able to catch them at Hopscotch, so I was excited.  Amber Papini, one of the four members, led vocals. Despite saying she was from New York, her voice had some hints of British every now and then. Each song in the their set was a little better than the last. I can definitely see how they fit into the Merge family - I'm looking forward to hearing more from them in January.

The Rosebuds tried to make the show into somewhat of a theme party, posting this on Twitter earlier in the week:

Some of the fans got the memo, myself included, and were donned in glitter-fabulous homemade shirts. Others had made their own, sans glitter, consisting of hand-drawn rosebuds and a head shot of a "nice fox."

My friend and I snagged a spot front and center. Kelly came on stage and shook some of the fans' hands before starting the set, which consisted of old songs from as early as "The Rosebuds Make Out" to their newest "Loud Planes Fly Low" released earlier this year. The band, who has been on tour since June, mentioned a few times how good it felt to be back in the triangle. I could see why - not only did the crowd show love for their hometown favorites and effortlessly sing along to every song, but fellow local bands came out as well to show their support. I saw members of Superchunk, Bowerbirds and Lonnie Walker enjoying themselves in the crowd. Ivan also pointed out his sister  mid-set and thanked her for coming out

to the show. The chemistry between the audience and The Rosebuds made the show amazing. If you've seen them before, you are aware that this band is one of the best out crowd interaction - encouraging clapping, singing, dancing, and even conversation. The last encore song, "Nice Fox," was significantly better live. Kelly told the story behind the song and the audience sang the hook ("and it don't mean nothing at all" ).

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