Sunday, August 7, 2011

8.5 LBLB Photo Recap

Photography by WKNC Photographer Katie Hill

Kid Future
I hope yall have been able to experience Kid Future because this past Thursday night at Tir na nOg was there last show! The lead singer is moving to Texas, drummer lives in Boston, and the pianist's beard "is getting too big to sing." This is the second time I've seen them at LBLB, and they only got better. From the charisma emanating from the lead singer's presence, to the flashy yet talented style of the drummer, and the great back-up harmonies from the bearded keyboardist, they had definitely put a spell on the crowd. Poppy without being cheesy, soulful without being sad, and rocking without all that obnoxious noise—I'm going to miss these guys.

Created with Admarket's flickrSLiDR.

Big Picture
If you haven't experienced Big Picture, that needs to be next on your list. It took them about 45 minutes to set up for their 8-member band on that compact nOg stage, but it was so worth the wait. They start off with one of the drummers belting inspirational spoken word to a hushed room... "eradicate 'cannot' from your vocabulary...the Big Picture, yall." Then sound explodes from every instrument: two sets of drums, four guitars, and two keyboards, even a few tambourines. Finally the lead singer leaps on stage with his modern-day gladiator/lacrosse padding, gloves, and helmet, and jumps and hollers to get everyone pumped. He sings every now and then throughout each song, but the sound of all those instruments mixing with the sound of his voice are what really makes the experience. You can't exactly understand the lyrics, but you can feel what he means. Every now and then he broke out his ukelele, plucking away, probably for his own entertainment. Not quite classic rock, too much technicality for post rock, but not really that indie-techno noise either. It's simply an awesome experience. This is also the second time I've seen them, and I would not hesitate to go back for a third.

Created with Admarket's flickrSLiDR.

1 comment:

  1. These pics are great. Sounds like it was a good show!
