Tuesday, April 19, 2011

LBLB April 21 Hopscotch Party!

This Thursday is truly going to be something special!  WKNC and Tir Na nOg are more than happy to have Hopscotch Music Festival and Vitamin Water Uncapped present a very special Local Beer Local Band Hopscotch Announcement Party featuring The Rosebuds, Heads on Sticks, and DJ SPCL GST spinning throughout the evening and a fashion show hosted by Revolver Consignment.


Come early - this show will be packed!!  Might as well get a cheeseburger (they're mad cheap at the pub on Thursdays) and down some beers with friends before the fashion show starts at 10 p.m. Following that will be all the live jams.

The Rosebuds are releasing their new album Loud Planes Fly Low on June 7, and I have a feeling you might get to hear a little sneak peak of it at the show... well at least I hope so.

Heads on Sticks has been my favorite local live act since the first time I saw them. This is music that I like.

There is hardly any other time you're going to get all of the awesomeness for the price of FREE so I don't understand why anyone would not come. I'm guessing there will be a few Hopscotch wristband giveaways at the show too.

1 comment:

  1. I've heard this will also now be a benefit for the Red Cross's tornado clean-up efforts in Raleigh which deserves double support.
