Monday, February 28, 2011

Giveaways, oh boy!

The warm weather got you wanting to get out of the house? Spring Break plans fall through?
Let us provide you with some options.

Be the right caller and you could win!

This week at WKNC, we have the following giveaways:

3/1: Marnie Stern @ Kings

3/2 Leon Russel @ Lincoln Theatre

3/3 Future Islands @ Kings

3/4 Dance Music for Nerds @ The Pinhook

Superchunk @ Cat's Cradle

Superchunk perform at XXMerge, photo courtesy of Brad Searles

Fintroll @ Volume 11

3/5 Redress Raleigh Benefit featuring I Was Totally Destroying It and Bright Young Things @ Kings

3/6 Justin Robinson @ The Pinhook

Ty Segall @ Kings

Yelawolf @ Cat's Cradle

Remember, you have to listen win!

Oh, and while you're winning free tickets to great show, remember to vote WKNC best in College Radio as according to MTVu. Vote often, vote much.

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