Sunday, August 22, 2010

WKNC DJs Participate in Service NC State

Local deejays Elly May, DJ Goof, DJ Kligz, The Voice of Reason, and myself gave back to the community this Saturday at the yearly event, Service NC State. As in years past, NC State worked with Stop Hunger Now in hopes of packaging  400,000 meals for children in Haiti. Many campus organizations came out Saturday, August 21 to help package food from 9 a.m.-3 p.m. New this year was the blood drive for which about a dozen members of WKNC staff gave blood to help reach the goal of 500 pints of blood in one huge blood drive on Friday.

The number of meals our small group of five packaged during our two-hour shift is enough to feed a 32-child orphanage for seven months. The meals are full of essential vitamins and minerals and are actually quite tasty. The experience was described as "inspiring," "exhilarating," "fun," "organized," and "fulfilling"—and totally worth waking up at 8 a.m. on a Saturday. WKNC hopes to have a presence at other on-campus service events to further instate our relationship with our campus and our community as a whole.

I would like to personally thank everyone who helped by giving blood or donating their time and energy to any aspect of Service NC State.

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