Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Arizona Calls it Quits

Local favorites from Asheville, Arizona, has recently called it quits.  Many know Arizona from their two hit albums Glowing Bird and Welcome Back Dear Children, but there may be no more releases for awhile.  According to a news release the band said the following:
Thank you!
We always appreciated the thought and time people gave us and our music. There's so much music in the world, and it meant a lot that we were able to share and be a part of the musical emotional world of so many people.

Arizona is on an indefinite hiatus. Creative and philosophical differences sparked an amicable split – all of us care very much about each other and making music – and we'll all continue to make music. We put our hearts into the music we made as Arizona, and as of now this is the best way to make sure that the people who enjoyed Arizona get to hear as much from us as possible. We're now working as the following two bands:

New BeardWAGES

The band has been balancing between Asheville and NYC and it seems the members in New Beard have decided to stay put in New York while WAGES will still continue on in the old north state.   In addition, both bands have EPs about to be released which may have also added to the split.

>WAGES is coming to Chapel Hill in May, playing at the Cave with Schooner and the Tomahawks on the 15th.

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