Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Bull City material online for free download

If you listen to the Local Beat, you might recall me complaining several weeks ago that Durham rock band Bull City seems to have dropped off the map.  While this is true, it isn't without cause -- members of the band have been finishing school, welcoming new little ones to their family, or in John Kurtz's case, moved out of the area to New York City .

However, to add to this weekend's already insane amount of fantastic local shows Bull City is putting on a show at the Pinhook with fellow locals The Dynamite Brothers. The show is just $5 and starts at 10 p.m. This might be the last time for another long while before you can see Bull City rock out on stage.

Additionally, the band just put free downloads of its Guns and Butter EP, a Sessions @ KNC live recording, and some new songs up on their bandcamp page.  Check it out and download away.

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