Wednesday, January 6, 2010

IWTDI plans ambitious project for next album

In a blog post on their website entitled "2010: The Year We Make TOO Much Contact", Chapel Hill band I Was Totally Destroying It outlined their ambitious plan to film every stage of the creative process behind composing their next album.

When asked about the blog post, singer/guitarist John Booker said, "It was almost sort of a new year's resolution." The blog post would give them the encouragement to actively film the creation of their next album. After previously attempting to film themselves on the road, forgetfulness got the best of them, and when Booker noticed a friend of the bands filming them during a live show he reminded himself of the idea of filming the band during the creation of a record. Booker explained that aside from the blog post to remind the band of constantly filming, he currently has a sign on his wall above his computer with the words "Film It," and he plans to hang another sign like this in places where they will be working on their album.

The idea of filming the creation of their next album came out of a wide variety influences. "I felt if we kept writing songs like that [the band did in the past] it would sound the same." Also, he said the project is an effort to bring more recognition to the band through utilizing many of the social networks that have developed in the past couple of years. The plans incorporate posting one video at the end of the month on Youtube to give fans an idea of how the process is going. And one of the goals of the project is to  film themselves for the entire year. Another goal for Booker was for the filming of the development of the next album to play out into a longer film.

When asked about how the constant filming could interrupt the creative process for the band, Booker responded, "I get worried about that in theory." He followed up saying, "I think we'll get use to it really fast." When asked about who was going to be doing the work behind filming Booker responded, "We're going to do a lot of the filming ourselves." The band has also gotten support from friends of theirs to help them out in this project, including everything from filming to editing the footage. They have also gotten the thumbs up from their record label, Greyday.

Although the band plans on filming a lot of the creative process for their next album, they don't plan on giving away all that is going to be on the next album. On their upcoming tour dates when they have new songs complete, Booker explained, that unlike previous live shows where people got to know the new songs before they were released on Horror Vacui, "We're going to try playing one new song and relying on songs in the past. I want the next cd to be fresh and new."

Although the next album is still in its early stages of development, the band has plans to be recording towards the end of the year, with the release of the album expected sometime within the first half of 2011.

1 comment:

  1. [...] I sat down with John Booker and Rachel Hirsch from I Was Totally Destroying It to talk about their project of recording video of all their work and sessions leading up to the band’s next album and [...]
