Thursday, December 3, 2009

Zappa Plays Zappa Ticket Giveaway on Mystery Roach!

If you missed the show in summer 2008, now is your chance to make up for it.  Zappa Plays Zappa is coming back to the Lincoln Theatre and WKNC has two pairs of tickets to give away!

Mystery Roach, your two-hour study of Prog, Fusion, Psychedelic, and Garage on Saturday mornings, will be holding an essay contest!

The rules are simple.  La Barba Rossa, host of Mystery Roach, will be accepting essay submissions from now until Tuesday January 5th.  Winners for the January 13th performance will be announced on Mystery Roach Saturday morning, January 9th.

Suggested entry length is about one page, but you can be a genre-bender, if you like----write Prog-Prose.  One sentence?  Sure.  10 pages?  Why not?  You can submit essays via email, but snail mail is encouraged. (See below for mailing address.)  Extra points for mailing it. Extra points for artistic style in penmanship and envelope.  Imagine that?  Send a letter.

Essay topics  (Please stick to these, all others will be disqualified.):

  1. Why I want these tickets. (Option to include discussion of why your desires supersede all others'.)

  2. The best Zappa album/song/era is _________.  Explain.

  3. Zappa Plays Zappa, is (or is not) "meta."  Discuss.

  4. My first summer job, and its horrifying/hilarious consequences.

Email responses can be sent to: It is preferred that you send it as a file attachment (pdf, doc, txt) but sending it in the body of an email is OK too.

Snail mail can be sent to:

WKNC 88.1 FM
ATTN: La Barba Rossa
Campus Box 8607
343 Witherspoon Student Center
Raleigh, NC 27695-8607

I look forward to reading your entries.


-La Barba Rossa

1 comment:

  1. Would love the tickets to Zappa doing Zappa! Been a Zappa fan since the 70's. Saw him numerous times in Philly at one of his favorite places to play, a small hall at Temple University called Tower Theatre. Actually met him after one of his shows and asked for a autograph. I've met many famous artists and Frank's the only one I've ever asked for an autograph. After all, when you're one of the only people in the world The Beatle's asked for help from, how could a person not respect his musical genius.
