Monday, December 28, 2009

Top 10 local albums of 2009

2009 was one hell of a year for WKNC and for North Carolina music. On our end, we had the sad departure of local radio legend DJ Stevo (you can still hear him broadcasting over at but also the beginning of something new with myself taking over the Local Beat in August after DJ Mick provided a couple months of Friday evening entertainment. We have also added to our ranks several different Local Lunch DJs who have all been doing a fantastic job of providing you with non-stop local music every weekday from noon to 1 p.m.

In the local music spectra of our community, many new bands have made their way onto the scene while others have begun establishing themselves as some of the premiere musicians in the country.  Still, other groups broke up or left our region for better or for worse. Even some unfamiliar venues have begun making their mark in this region. Some amazing shows have been played and become ingrained in the memories of many and there is no doubt that more and more people within our community have been tuning into to the amazing local music this part of the country offers.

As it is a common trend in nearly every aspect of our culture at the end of the year to create some sort of countdown list in remembrance of the past 12 months many local blogs, newspapers, and magazines have been ranking their top bands, albums, and songs from 2009.

Not to be outdone, I have been preparing for this list throughout the year and after listening to every second of every song on all 154 albums that have been sent my way  by local bands and artists (an exhausting feat that nearly killed my GPA). I have whittled my way down to my top 10.  In total, I have listened to more than 1,400 local songs culminating in just less than 74 hours worth of North Carolina music from 2009.  Many of these albums and bands are unfortunately not worth mentioning but after much debate I worked my way down to 38 records that in my mind would qualify as top-10 material.

First to be chocked off were EPs. Certainly, the Tomahawks Like a Horse on a Beach EP was one of the finest groupings of four songs I had the pleasure to listen to, and Violet Vector's EP II could have made the cut, along with Aminal's A Face To Fight EP, Mandolin Orange's self titled EP, and Veelee's Three Sides EP among others, but I feel that LPs are the ones that truly stand the test of time.

Second to go were the compilations.  Hear Here will remain my number one album of 2009, but it is difficult to split the award to all 17 of those bands.  I also always enjoy the Have a Holly Raleigh Kidsmas volumes but putting a holiday album on the list didn't seem quite right either.

I finally worked my way down to the last two dozen or so and that is where things began to get difficult.  I may never fully forgive myself for excluding I Was Totally Destroying It's release Horro Vacui and I have no excuse for not including it.  That album kicks serious ass.  As does Americans in France's Pretzelvania, Bowerbirds' Upper Air, Calico Haunts' After All, Hammer No More The Fingers' Looking For Bruce, Old Ceremony's Walk on Thin Air, Ryan Gustafson's Donkey, and many others that unfortunately were not included (I will stop before I start second guessing myself).  In any case, after much rambling here it is:

10. The Bronzed Chorus: I'm The Spring

This duo out of Greensboro has seemingly come out of nowhere in the past two years.  Since recording their independently released debut thurtythurty in Adam Joyce's bedroom, Joyce and band mate Brennan O'Brien have taken the state by storm after signing to Hello Sir Records and promptly putting out the masterpiece that is I'm the Spring. Post-rock noise ecstasy combines with powerful imagery of storms of overdriven guitar and bass pounding the skies with an untamed fury.   The effect of two musicians creating such a visual component to their music speaks volumes of what this album truly is: art.  Stay on your toes throughout this album and try not to miss a note, you won't come back down after hearing this.  More Reviews:

9. Starmount: Tyranny of the Sphere
Here is another instrumental album that cracked my top 10, the debut album from a newly discovered band from right here in Raleigh.  Starmount is one of the most unique bands I have ever heard and likely ever will with their blending of pedal steel guitar, upright bass, synthesizers, and a drum/electronics kit to make quite an uncommon yet entrancing sound.  Already signed to Superfan records, this album has begun making it's mark on the community even if the group only plays a couple of times a year.  To keep it short and simple, Starmount is a band that I cannot relate with another group but one which I will now begin to compare bands to.  Their music is one of a kind and this album speaks volumes about the progressive and evolving nature of music.  In my opinion, the best way to listen to this record is go sit in a dark room, turn the music up loud and let it wash over you like a fresh cool breeze.

standalone player


8. Polvo: In Prism
I will be the first to line up and shamefully admit that I was never a big fan of Polvo.  The fact of the matter is that I never really gave them a chance.  However, after watching them at the Double Barrel Benefit back in February I was converted and anxiously awaited their new album after news of them hitting the studio began to spread.  What resulted was one of the grandest vindications of the year.
In Prism was Polvo's first album in 12 years, but boy did they come back with a vengeance.  Classified from anywhere to Math Rock, post-hardcore, to psychedelic, you can put them in whatever genre you like, but to me Polvo and especially this record stands to no-one's label but their own. The entire album plays seamlessly like a single beating entity whose life unfolds out to you through each track as it's own but also as a part of the whole organic form Polvo creates.  Call me a noob to their works but In Prism is one of the finest, if not best album of the Polvo catalog.  Here are a couple of reviews to dignify my claim:

7. Lonnie Walker: These Times Old Times
I remember the first time I saw Lonnie Walker at the Terpsikhore Collective Leap Year Extravaganza back in 2008. They played alongside IWTDI and Annuals, two of the best bands in the Southeast, but it was Lonnie Walker who stole the show and the hearts of everyone in the crowd that night. Stevo and I harassed lead singer Brian Corum that night and he brought a demo to WKNC the next week. The rest they say, is history.

These Times Old Times contains several remakes of the same songs from that first demo but also quite a few newer tracks as well. The whole album is reminiscent of Bob Dylan's Blood on the Tracks but a bit hardier and with a more intense rock 'n roll feel while still keeping that same folky edge that they are known for. Tunes like "Grapefruit", "Back Home Inside With You", and "Crochet" add on to the already set LW standards and are surrounded by short sentimental ditties like "Old Birds In The Seas", "Horse Boots", and "Country Crowded Trees" to create an album that never gets old after each listen. The effect of their debut release was immediate as they were one of the top headliners for Artsplosure '09 and named Ear Farm's band of the week back in August and are now one of the most sought after live shows in the state for fans.

Band website design

6. Avett Brothers: I and Love and You

It is becoming difficult for me to label the Avett Brothers as a local band in the past two years only because they tour so god damn much.   But these boys out of Concord have without a doubt become the shining beacon of North Carolina music in recent years and are obviously the most successful group in the past 10 years from our state.  I and Love and You is their most recent output, their major label debut, and without question their best since forming in 2000.  Known for their heartfelt and emotional songs as well as their raucous and mesmerizing live performances this album captures all of those things better than any other.   It has the ability to make your hair stand on end through one sentimental song and then the next throws you into a whirlwind of acoustic picking heaven.
Many questioned the Avett's move to a larger label after the band promised to stay close to their roots but one listen to this record, produced by music legend Rick Rubin, proves the move right.  Just check out some of the reviews below:

To prove the Bros. success over the past 9 years I and Love and You peaked at #16 on the Billboard 200 best selling albums, #8 in best selling digital albums, and #7 in rock albums. Point proven.

5. Midtown Dickens: Lanterns
Much to my surprise this album dropped to number 5 on my list for when I first gave it a listen I was sure it would be in my top 3.  The two women (Kym and Catherine) founded their group back in 2005 have now expanded the band into a sextet after adding four of their best friends to play alongside them.  What results from this addition is a fuller and more satisfying full band sound to back their already magnificent song writing and singing skills.  Midtown Dickens is fun and enjoyable to listen to halfheartedly but once you take them seriously the music just opens up into something deeper and more profound than most bands can pull off.  Grab the album and take a seat because listening to Lanterns might knock you flat out.  

4. Megafaun: Gather, Form, and Fly

If you have ever seen Megafaun live you will know what I mean when I confess that watching these guys play is like having a deep religious experience.  So believe me when I say that listening to Gather, Form, and Fly is nothing short of transcending.  Megafaun has always been terrific whether as the original lineup of DeYarmond Edison before the split or on their first album Bury The Square, so it is difficult to say they have "matured."  I prefer the word "evolved" instead as Megafaun has taken their already well-developed earthy sound and transformed it into music so beautiful and sententious that the sheer vastness of the sound is almost indescribable.  This album moves and breathes around you as you listen to it almost as if the whole world starts opening itself up to a Megafaun induced dream.

3. Luego: Taped-Together Stories
A second reincarnation of this band Simply put Luego is the catchiest band around.  With Patrick Phelan heading the gang and welcoming the likes of Jeff Crawford, Peter Holsapple, Nick Jaeger, Rob DiMauro, Cameron Lee, and Charles Cleaver Luego is as close to a local music supergroup as one might find.  Taped-Together Stories is a one of a kind in today's music world with personal and heartfelt lyrics that anyone with a soul can relate to combined with bluesy rock/pop and craftily set beats that are easy to move your feet to all underneath Phelan's raspy and grabbing vocals.  It's all based off of that fun jangly pop and lo-fi production technique so popular among bands in our area (ie: Max Indian) but with an indie spark to complete the album's character.  Simply put, it's the catchiest local album of the year.  In 20 years this will be one of those albums you look back on and say "I was there."

Sample band press kits

2. Horseback: The Invisible Mountain

As difficult as it is to describe this album, I am going to try, so bear with me as I fail to give this album it's due indulgence.  Only four songs long, this masterpiece takes on 38 minutes of grinding harsh satanic laced vociferations backed by acrid droning that comes together like a choir of demons singing straight from the pits of hell.  It's dark, malicious, and pierces the soul with a pointed tip but finally salvation is granted in the form of the nearly 17 minute finale “Hatecloud Dissolving into Nothing", one of the most breathtaking and articulate pieces of instrumentation to grace my well worn ears.  Its beautiful, heart wrenching, and sincere.  Every note on this album is well placed and delicate to the overall fabric of the sound, nothing is taken for granted and nothing is overdone.  It's perfect.
After listening to this album for the first time I found myself sitting on the edge of my bed staring at nothing for almost an hour trying to absorb what I had just heard.  Do yourself a favor and give this a try.

1. Bombadil: Tarpits and Canyonlands

After hearing the first and then second song from Bombadil's new album I knew that all of my expectations for it were going to be fulfilled.  After the eighth song I realized that this might be the best album of 2009.  After the third or fourth listen to Tarpits and Cayonlands it occurred to me that this album was one of the greatest records I had ever heard.  Few albums have ever reached me quite like Tarpits has and I am having a difficult time writing this piece so that it fully encompasses my true
The first review I ever read on Bombadil was after their first EP came out.  The review read "It sound's like a group of hobbits from Durham got together and made some kickass folk music."  Nothing could have been truer then.  Their songs were joyful expressions of life and bewilderment and innocence at the world.  Listening to their old stuff makes you want to kick off your shoes and go frolicking in a grassy field next to a lazy stream.  But as Tarpits and Canyonlands, their second full length began to emerge through live performances and hearsay I knew that this album would be different.  Many critics will ramble about the tides and maturation of bands and either bombast their new ways or extol progressive features from album to album.  Overall it really is what the band decides to do with their sound that makes a difference.  Fortunately for us, in Tarpits Bombadil did very little to their style.  The upbeat melodies and piano heavy chords are still wrapped in their folk tinged harmonies and buoyant  vocals, but something is different, something hard to put your finger on.  What arises is a sense of depth and emotion lacking from their previous works, a sense of death and not just life, of powerful heartbreak arising from potent love, of creating a fulfilled legacy, and a justification to experience all of these sensations without remorse.
When I first heard the album back in April I could not stop listening over and over.  It's a work that speaks to each person in their own individual way and makes its mark on the listener.  From the ever present goosebumps during the very first song "I Am" through the seemingly drifting 'Kuala Lumpur" (my personal favorite) all the way to the final four songs of redemption, loss, and ultimate love, Bombadil grabs you by the ears and the mind and takes you on a journey of illumination and enlightenment.
Overall this masterpiece is nothing short of lyrical genius coinciding with  instrumentation that matches the mood perfectly.  If you enjoyed their old albums, you will find this better.  If you never did like Bombadil before, this one will grab you.  Tarpits and Canyonlands isn't just the best local album of 2009, it is one of the best album of any regard in the past decade.

Below is a brief list of my top 10 Local albums of 2009 as well as DJ Ray's my awesome assistant in the Local Music department at WKNC:

Adam Kincaid's Top 10 Local AlbumsDJ Ray's Top 10 Local Albums
1.Bomadil: Tarpits & Canyonlands
2.Horseback: The Invisible Mountain
3.Luego: Taped-Together Stories
4.Megafaun: Gather, Form, & Fly
5.Midtown Dickens: Lanterns
6.Avett Brothers: I and Love and You
7.Lonnie Walker: These Times Old Times
8.Polvo: In Prism
9.Starmount: Tyranny of the Sphere
10.Bronzed Chorus: I'm the Spring
1.Bomadil: Tarpits & Canyonlands
2.Megafaun: Gather, Form and Fly
3.Lonnie Walker: These Times Old Times
4.Hammer No More the Fingers: Looking for Bruce
5.Bowerbirds: Upper Air
6.Americans in France: Pretzelvania
7.You and Your Effects: Wire Sharks
8.Midtown Dickens: Lanterns
9.Bronzed Chorus: I'm the Spring
10.Spider Bags: Goodbye Cruel World, Hello Crueler World

Thursday, December 24, 2009

How Rage Against the Machine stole Christmas

Over the past couple of weeks a very interesting story has developed coming out of England. First let's get started through giving you a little bit of back story.

For the past couple of years, the winner of the popular British music show "The X Factor," has gone on to getting the number one selling single the week of Christmas which sets it to the top of the "Christmas Number One Singles Chart" in England. In 2005, X Factor winner Shayne Ward, had the number one Christmas single. In 2006, winner Leona Lewis, made it to the top. When 2007 rolled around, winner Leon Jackson had the number one single. This trend continued in 2008 when Alexandra Burke made it to "Christmas Number One" (which the number one Christmas single is referred to as).

Then the followers of Rage Against the Machine took notice, and they weren't going to take this anymore.

The campaign initially took place at a completely grassroots level as member Tom Morello explained, "We were followers in this campaign, we tried to lend some wind to its sails, but it began at a completely grassroots level without the band's involvement." In describing how he was first introduced to what the fans were attempting to do he said, "The campaign first came to my attention a couple of weeks ago when some friends of mine in the UK emailed me about it. I checked it out online and as it began to gain momentum I realized what a potentially historic moment it could be - and the band knew that we needed to throw our weight behind it."

The premise seemed simple enough, get the popular 1992 track by Rage Against the Machine, "Killing in the Name" to Christmas Number One and defeat 2009 X-Factor winner, Joe McElderry.

The fans and the band started pushing all their weight behind this one goal. The Facebook page in support of the campaign gained thousands of followers, and the band used the force of other social networking sites like Twitter in their effort to make it to Christmas Number One. Tom Morello went on to post things like, "Attention Freedom Fighters! RAGE VS. X-FACTOR WILL BE DECIDED BY SATURDAY'S SALES. Spread the word! Knock on doors! Host downloading parties! Knock over ladies buying X-factor! The clock is ticking. And if 'Killing In The Name' is number one WE ARE COMING. And it will be the victory party to end all victory parties."

Judge of The X-Factor Simon Cowell went on to say that the campaign was "stupid", "cynical", and "very Scrooge".

The time for pushing and selling the single had finally ended on December 19th. The result came in. Joe McElderry's cover of The Climb totaled 450,000 sales. "Killing in the Name" sold 50,000 more. Rage Against the Machine and their group of dedicated fans had won.

Morello would go on to say, "Make no mistake about it, this was a political act! This was an entire nation delivering a stinging slap of rejection to the whole notion of pre-fabricated pop ruling the charts. And Rage's victory over The X Factor was an act of God. That the bad winter weather came in, keeping people away from stores and made it more of a fair fight, because we didn’t have hard copies in stories. When Paul McCartney (who endorsed the act by Rage Against the Machine earlier)and Mother Nature agree on something it's going to be unstoppable!"

He would then proudly say, "Rage Against The Machine was built for moments like this," Morello followed up, "That historic chart upset the other night is one we're very proud to have been a part of, but more proud that it showed that people uniting in solidarity can do anything. That's the lasting message from this. It went from being 'let's kick The X Factor off the top of the charts' to a real people's movement and, in the future, the energy behind it can be used for other social justice causes and not just chart-topping."

The band is planning to take the stage early next year in a celebration of winning Christmas Number One in both the UK and the United States.

After a strong campaign by fans and by the band, Rage Against the Machine proved that this Christmas Number One was going to be one to remember.

Wednesday, December 23, 2009

All Hail The New Flesh

There are many great metal albums that were released in the decade known as the 1990s. However when you ask many metal heads to name some of their favorite albums, and what they think some of the best ones are, you generally hear the same albums listed. Generally the albums mentioned are Death's Human, Sepultura's Arise, Carcass' Heartwork, Megadeth's Rust In Peace, Cannibal Corpse's Tomb of the Mutilated, Slayer's South of Heaven, Blind Guardian's Nightfall In Middle-Earth, Iced Earth's Burnt Offerings and many many more. Now don't get me wrong, these are all great albums and I enjoy them every time I listen to them. However everyone I talk to about this always seems to leave out one album, and not even mention it. Or if I do mention it, will say that they have not listened to it. This album is Strapping Young Lad's City.

This is one hell of an album, and quite possibly one of the best albums of the 90s. Every song on this album flows perfectly, and Devin's rage is controlled, but at the same time wild and untamed. From the opening bells of "Velvet Kevorkian", we are set up to some of the most intense 40 minutes I have ever listened to. As soon as Devin kicks in screaming "HEY! I WANT TO BE WHERE THE ACTION IS!!", we get a picture of the rage that Devin has pent up and he wants to release on us. With his tirade on how fucked up we are, and how much our society is pissing him off, we then get sucked into the vortex of "All Hail The New Flesh" with swirling guitars falling out as he wails into our ears with a piercing scream before telling us to go fuck ourselves.  With blistering guitars and drums just pelting us sonically we are then thrown to the ground to be kicked in the stomach by "Oh My Fucking God".

This song adds to the one-two punch that goes with the song before it.  With the sound byte saying how they can't fail, the drums suddenly kick in with a brutal solo, until Devin screams and his wall of sound comes in and blows us away with his guitars.  A nonsensical tirade of words that are nigh untelligable until he gets to the chorus screaming "OH MY FUCKING GOD!!" Until it suddenly cuts off and leaves us with "Detox" and quite possibly the catchiest song on the album. This song showcases perfectly all of Devin's abilities. From his brutality to his ability to express his pain while still being heavy as hell. A catchy riff, and catchy lyrics make this a catchily brutal song.

As soon as the song quietly goes away, "Home Nucleonics" blows you away with a wail and blistering guitar wall. Belting to us about how we have failed as a society. With stop and go riffs, the song feels like it is picking you up and slamming you on the ground with its sonic assault. Constantly beating you until it dissolves into all the members of the bands screaming madly, fading into to "AAA" which is a catchy song about Devin's various addictions, slowly building up intensity until it hits you square in the face with its chorus screaming "NO ONE! NO ONE FUCKS WITH ME!!". "Underneath The Waves" then blasts us in the face with double bass pedals and Devin taunting us with his voice repeating "on and on". Until kicking in with the signature wall of sound and Devin singing about how he's tired of the shit of world, making this not only intense sonically, but also vocally. After this song, the album begins to slow down it's sonic intensity for a more brooding intensity.

"Room 429" is a cover of a Cop Shoot Cop song. It's very dark and very mid tempo, but it still has all the intensity of the earlier tracks.  How dark and empty the city is, how we go through the motions of life. "Spirituality" is the final track of the album, with layers and layers of guitars stacked upon each other. This sheer heaviness of the stacked guitar tracks just seem to pile up on you, putting all the wait of city on you, making you feel overwhelmed. Which is the purpose of this album, to make you feel insignificant and tiny. That you are really nothing in this world, an insignificant speck in the grand scheme of things.

All these songs are catchy and instantly memorable. As soon as you hear one of these songs, you will be humming along with it, singing along with it, or just going buck wild. It is a classic album, and it should be remembered as one of the best albums of the 90s, if not one of the best metal albums ever made.


Holiday tunes on WKNC this Thursday afternoon

This coming Thursday, December 24, I'll be playing a selection of Christmas/winter/holiday tunes on my show from 3 to 5 p.m. I won't be playing the usual songs you've been hearing 24/7 on other radio stations for the past month, however. You'll hear covers and original songs from the likes of Yo La Tengo, Daniel Johnston, and The Flaming Lips, as well as songs by local groups including Megafaun and Schooner. So, tune in this Thursday, Christmas Eve, from 3 to 5 p.m. for a set of Christmas tunes you aren't tired of hearing

**As a side note, you can download a new cover of "I Saw Three Ships" from Megafaun for free over at the Hometapes website.

Monday, December 21, 2009

Noobhammer's top 10 metal albums of 2009

Greetings metal community, the Noobhammer here again with my top 10 albums which smashed open the gates of Hell with a hammer full of steel. This was no easy choice mind you. In a year where I almost went broke trying to buy all the good albums this year,  it was not  easy to pick my favorites. It was like trying to pick which video games you would save in a burning fire. That being said, here are my picks for a year during which some of the best albums came out.

10. God Forbid - Earthsblood

It's hard to describe God Forbid. They are one of those really unique metalcore bands. I thought it would be almost impossible to top the juggernaut that is Constitution of Treason, but these guys did it, and with gusto. A truly remarkable band, who can only go anywhere but higher as they show the metalcore scene how to write an album.

9. Swallow The Sun - New Moon

Words can't even begin to describe the feeling I got when i first heard that riff and that melancholic voice whisper those words in my ear, just before everything kicks in and blows you away. Another brilliant album from these Finns who have perfectly blended melodic death metal and doom metal, and even now on this latest album, incorporated some black metal. With guitars that seem to wail in the night, it seems that these guys could swallow the sun with their music.

8. Epica - Design Your Universe

Epica didn't really impress me too much with their last album. Don't get me wrong, it was good, but just not great. Their latest album however is a totally different story . This album, and god I hate to have to use this, is epic. It is truly a work to behold. With powerful and blazing guitars and drums, mixed with the death vocals and Simone's gorgeous voice, makes this one hell of an album.

7. Insomnium - Across The Dark

I had never heard of these guys before this album, and they won me over instantly with their brand of doom metal. The guitars and keyboard just meld together perfectly and just wash over you in a wave of sound. When you add the singer's voice his mix of clean vox and growls, just makes this album catchy but also heavy as hell. The riffs are easy to comprehend, but the layers to them speak volumes about the music.

6. HORSE The Band - Desperate Living

Once again, another album that thoroughly surprised me. I was disappointed after their last album, but this one totally makes up for it. All the emotion that was lacking on the last one, is back on here in full force. All these songs seep with the struggle of touring and keeping a band together. A great evolution that keeps them true to their roots while evolving at the same time. A gem, and perfect album that describes emotions we all go through.

5. Pelican - What We All Come To Need

This album is a true piece of musical art. From the crunchy guitar riffs to the melodic bridges, even to the vocalist on the last track. This album is musical bliss where we can sit back and just relax enjoy what is running through our ears.  The biggest surprise though was the vocalist on the last track, showing that this band can do more than just write crunchy guitar riffs.

4. Between The Buried And Me - The Great Misdirect

Maybe I'm biased because these boys are from North Carolina. No matter what you think about the band, you cannot deny that these boys can play their instruments.  Returning again with another technical masterpiece, the boys in BTBAM raise the bar for musicianship and song composition. Once again this album is essentially one long song, pushing the band even farther into prog, Rush-esque realms.

3. Isis - Wavering Radiant

Goddamn. That is all that I can say about this album. It is a brilliant piece of work, sublimely beautiful yet at the same time crushingly heavy. These boys can write some damn fine music which border on the serene then immediately shift to crushing steel hammers. Aaron Turner has outdone himself again with his latest album, and I cannot wait to hear what they do next.

2. Mastodon - Crack The Skye

This was a very close contender for album of the year. The work that the band put in this album is staggering. All the songs held within the album are masterpieces in their own right. They are beautiful and moving and just downright amazing. Every song being dedicated to Dailor's late sister. It is a truly fantastic album that is worthy of all it's recognition.


1. Devin Townsend Project - Addicted

My god. Seriously. This album is essentially crack in music form. I have barely stopped listening ever since I got it. Devin Townsend is a god. He is once of the greatest musicians to ever live. His sheer musicianship as well as his ability as a lyricist allows him to write some of the best albums ever. Be they in Strapping Young Lad, or even his solo band, The Devin Townsend Project. His greatness cannot be denied, and this album fully showcases all his abilities, from his rage to his serenity. It is the work of a world class musician, and one who is not afraid to embrace his emotions, nor to experiment with sounds and different ways of making music. That is why this is my metal album of the year.

Honorable Mention


Jesu - Opiate Sun

This is the only time I have done a honorable mention. I couldn't include it on the list because it is only an EP, so it's not technically an album. However this is one stunning piece of work. The guitars drone out Justin Broadrick's voice so it barely audible, but it makes clear all the pain that he sings about, making this a very emotional album that seeps with pain, and makes me excited to hear his next full release.

Sunday, December 20, 2009

WKNC Daytime DJs select best albums of '09

The year 2009 has undoubtedly been a fantastic one for music, from the techno tones and spaced out beats of Animal Collective's "Merriwether Post Pavilion" to the satisfying and deep "Tarpits and Canyonlands" from Bombadil. We were moved by new albums by old favorites like in Yeah Yeah Yeahs "It's Blitz" and we were introduced to new acts that leave us wanting more like in Florence and the Machine's beautiful "Lungs." After knowing the huge amount of great releases that this year has left us with, I asked the daytime DJs at WKNC to complete a job that's a lot easier said than done. Below is a list of the top five albums as completed by many of the DJs you know and love. Enjoy!

DJ Danger Tape

1. Dirty Projectors - Bitte Orca
2. Bowerbirds - Upper Air
3. M. Ward - Hold Time
4. The Flaming Lips - Embryonic
5. Japandroids - Post-Nothing

Just John

1. Yeah Yeah Yeahs - It's Blitz
2. Fever Ray - Fever Ray
3. A Sunny Day in Glasgow -Ashes Grammer
4. Yacht - See Mystery Lights
5. Here We Go Magic - Here We Go Magic

May Day

1. Bowerbirds - Upper Air
2. M. Ward- Hold Time
3. Discovery - LP
4. St. Vincent - Actor
5. Camera Obscura - My Maudlin Career/The Love Language - The Love Language

DJ Elly May

1. Luego - Taped-together Stories
2. Jerry Fish & The Mudbug Club - The Beautiful Untrue
3. Edward Sharpe & The Magnetic Zeros - Up From Below
4. Lonnie Walker - These Times Old Times
5. Gossip - Music For Men

Hot Tamale

1. Florence and the Machine - Lungs
2. Passion Pit - Manners
3. Phoenix - Wolfgang Amadeus Phoenix
4. Matt & Kim - Grand
5. Discovery - LP

DJ Kligz

1. Yeah Yeah Yeahs - It's Blitz
2. Florence and the Machine - Lungs
3. Dirty Projectors- Bitte Orca
4. Animal Collective - Merriweather Post Pavilion
5. Neko Case - Middle Cyclone

Riff Raff

1. Regina Spektor - Far
2. Passion Pit - Manners
3. Yeah Yeah Yeahs- It's Blitz
4. The Temper Trap - Conditions
5. You and Your Effects - Wire Sharks/Jay Farrar & Benjamin Gibbard - One Fast Move Or I'm Gone


1. Sonic Youth - The Eternal
2. U.S.E - Loveworld
3. Regina Spektor - Far
4. Metric - Fantasies
5. Veelee - Three Sides/Various Artists - Here Here Compilation

DJ Ones

1. Yeah Yeah Yeahs- It's Blitz
2. Florence and the Machine - Lungs
3. Phoenix - Wolfgang Amadeus Phoenix
4. Animal Collective - Merriwether Post Pavilion
5. Dirty Projectors - Bitte Orca

DJ Matticus Rex

1. Do Make Say Think - Other Truths
2. Pelican - What We All Come to Need
3. Bon Iver - Blood Bank
4. Caspian - Tertia
5. Animal Collective - Merriweather Post Pavilion


1. The Antlers - Hospice
2. Megafaun - Gather, Form & Fly
3. Various Artists - Dark Was The Night
4. Antony and the Johnsons - The Crying Light
5. Wilco - Wilco (The Album)


1. Bombadil - Tarpits & Canyonlands
2. Cotton Jones - Paranoid Cocoon
3. Megafaun - Gather, Form, & Fly
4. Cymbals Eat Guitars - Why There Are Mountains
5. Edward Sharpe & The Magnetic Zeros - Up From Below

DJ Ray

1. Rural Alberta Advantage - Hometowns
2. Brazos - Phosphorescent Blues
3. Here We Go Magic - Here We Go Magic
4. Grouper - Cover the Windows and the Walls
5. The Low Anthem - Oh My God Charlie Darwin


1. The King Khan and BBQ Show - Invisible Girl
2. Megafaun - Gather Form and Fly
3. Phoenix - Wolfgang Amadeus Phoenix
4. Telekinesis- Telekinesis
5. The Very Best - Warm Heart of Africa

Spaceman Spiff

1. Bowerbirds - Upper Air
2. Phoenix - Wolfgang Amadeus Phoenix
3. Bill Callahan - Sometimes I Wish We Were An Eagle
4. Harlem Shakes - Technicolor Health
5. The Temper Trap- Conditions

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

It's always better in a Christmas sweater

Trekky Yuletide Orchestra and local friends took the stage at the Cat's Cradle on December 15.

Last evening, DJ Nicole and DJ Cioffi, made the voyage to Chapel Hill to see some of the greatest acts take the stage to pay homage to the greatest holiday ever,  Christmas.  Hosted by the able bodied host Billy Sugarfix, we were delighted to see not only The Trekky Yuletide Orchestra, but Dexter Romweber, Stuart McLamb and Missy Thangs (of The Love Language), Des Ark, Whatever Brains, Organos, Veelee, Birds and Arrows, Mount Weather, and the last minute addition to the lineup, Lonnie Walker.

In the 4th annual Christmas at the Cradle, each band gave their interpretation of classic Christmas carols, as well as performed their own Christmas compositions. All acts were outstanding. Their songs ranged from classic ballads such as "Silent Night" performed in a distorted fashion by Lonnie Walker as well as the hilarious rendition of the holiday song, "I'm Gettin' Nuffin' For Christmas" which was performed by Organos. The bands' songs Veelee covered, all featured stand-up drummers. So, for Christmas at the Cradle, Veelee's Ginger performed standing up. The stand-up drumming was of great value and made us happy.

All in all, The Christmas at the Cradle show exceeded our expectations and filled our hearts with Christmas cheer.

Hope you will join us next year at the fifth Christmas at the Cradle.

Enjoy our pictures!

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Sessions@KNC: Death to the Details

Death to the Details is part from Durham, part from Chapel Hill.  Its members play rock music.  They'd probably like you to think it's that simple.

Realistically, guitarists Brian and Betty are almost always playing something completely different.  Justin is probably playing some really sweet riff again and again and again on the bass.  And John is always looking for new ways to use his drums as a sonic weapon, pulling the group through each track without fail.

Mike Alston and I had a blast recording these folks, as you can see below.  You'll also see some pictures of us nearing the end of the session, doing...gasp... OVERDUBS!  Yes, this is one of the few times when we wanted just a few extra vocal tracks to thicken things up, so you will hear both Brian's live vocals and the extra overdubbed parts stacked on top of each other in this session.  Check out the powerful doubled vocals on 'Eternities of Fraternities'.

As usual, you can download each of the four songs in this session for free below the photos.  Our friend Matt Moore deserves a huge "thank you" for making it out to take some excellent photographs.  Hold onto your ears; this session was both played and mixed LOUD!

Again and Again and Again

Eternities of Fraternities

Comet Chasing Child

Twenty Something Miles

DJ Ones Interviews The Whigs

The Whigs Courtesy of

Recently I got the chance to interview Tim Deaux of The Whigs. The Whigs are currently touring the east coast, with upcoming show at the Local 506. We talked about upcoming release of the band's third full length album, "In the Dark," and we discussed the process behind the creation of the upcoming album. This is Tim's first full length album that he has recorded with the band, and since the release of their previous album "Mission Control" he has taken the role as the band's full time bassist. For those of you who missed the live interview, here it is in its entirety.

The Whigs

Live music is the best holiday entertainment

Gonna be in town over the winter break? Entertaning guests? Wondering what to fill all that free time with?

Go with live music, of course!

Below are my  recommendations for shows between December 17 to January 11 (N.C. State's Winter Break)

December 17:

Who: Sea Legs & Old Bricks

Where: WKNC's Local Beer Local Band atTir Na Nog Irish Pub in Raleigh

I must say it, these are actually two of my favorite local bands. Both bands are new to the scene but I predict they will have quite a name for themselves by this time next year. Catch um while their new so you can be the cool guy who knew them when they were the little people.

December 18:

Who: Fin Fang Foom, Free Electric State, Gray Young

Where: Pinhook in Durham

If you haven't yet been to the Pinhook, this is your excuse. Not only is it one of my favorite places to drink, they have a killer patio, these local bands are all worth seeing.

December 19:

Who: Holiday Honky Tonk and Burlesque Show

Where: Local 506 in Chapel Hill

Say whhhat? I get to see The Whiskey Smugglers, The Pneurotics and Gambling the Muse all while Miss Mary Wanna puts on a burlesque performance.... I'm sold.

December 20:

Where: Nightlight in Chapel Hill

What: Nightlight Holiday Craft Fair from 2 to 6 p.m.

Okay, so it's not music. Think of it this way though, its local art and any local art that is presented to me will get a moment of my time. Stop by, especially if you haven't checked everyone off your shopping list yet.

December 21 to 24:

It's my birthday week so I would love to celebrate with some tunes! Unfortunately, the world seems to shut down around these dates, I'm not sure why. If YOU want to serenade me happy birthday feel free to find me at one of these shows!

The Cave in Chapel Hill is holding an all day open swap December 22 and 23. You can buy and trade your doodads. Sounds like fun!

December 25:

Where: The Pour House in Raleigh

You can celebrate Christmas day along with Terry Anderson, who will be celebrating his birthday as well. He brings his band, The Olympic Ass Kicking Team to the Pour House. You know there isn't much to do after the family is done opening gifts and eating food so bring them to sing along!

December 26:

What: The Merch Holiday Party

Where: Local 506 in Chapel Hill

The Merch is a local screen printing and design business whose logos are plastered all over the triangle. They are huge supporters of local music and we love that!  Not sure what the night entails but it should be something great! The party starts at 10pm

December 31st:

Downtown Raleigh

First Night Raleigh

Ring in the new year right! Surround yourself with the amazingness this town has to offer. First Night is offering performances by The African American Dance Ensemble, Crucial Fiya and the Annuals (plus a million other amazing things to see and do). While your downtown don't forget to stop by Slims to see A Rooster for the Masses.


New Years Eve Party at Local 506 in Chapel Hill

Violet Vector and the Lovely Lovelies, The Love Language and the Dirty Little Heaters share the stage to help you ring in the new year!

January 1:

HAPPY NEW YEAR!  there isn't much going on this week so make sure to rest up for next week because it is jam-packed with shows to witness!

January 6

Where: The Pour House Music Hall in Raleigh

Who: The Ex-Monkeys are spinnin in downtown Raleigh this night. Great to see if you're in the mood for a different kind of electronic music to dance too.

January 7

Where: Tir Na Nog Irish Pub in Raleigh


This a weekend all local music lovers should look forward too! Your favorite bands will cover the bands that have inspired them. Last years performances  included Valient Thorr covering Parliament Funkadelic, Hearts and Daggers covering The Beastie Boys and Embarrassing Fruits as Pavement. Make sure to be there for at least one night this weekend!

January 8:

Where: The Pour House Music Hall in Raleigh

Who: Your favorite local artists Lonnie Walker, Megafaun and The Rosebuds are all joining together to put on one amazing show. The night will be a prom theme and fun for everyone! If you can't make it out on the 8th, no worries, Megafaun and The Rosebuds will be performing again, same place same time, only this time the amazing Hammer No More the Fingers will be joining them.

January 9:

Where: The Nightlight in Chapel Hill

Who: Midtown Dickens takes the stage with Joe Romeo and the Orange County Volunteers. Midtown Dickens is a group that consistently keeps a smile on my face. They are a joy to watch and with this year's release of Lanterns, you wont be let down.

Also right down the street North Elementary will be playing at The Local 506. A classic local group that is worth the short walk!

That is it for now!

The new year seems to be starting out well here in the Triangle!

Friday, December 11, 2009

Free playlists available from ReverbNation

Each week, Playlist 7 sponsored by ReverbNation and Windows 7 will allow listeners to stream 50 songs by independent artists.

Featured genres include  alternative, electronica/dance, hip hop, jazz, Latin, and rock. Then, listeners can select 7 of the 50 songs for free download. Featured artists and songs will change each week that Playlist 7 continues. Tracks from artists featured the previous week will be available for a limited time in the audio library.

In addition to Playlist 7, music is always available to stream from ReverbNation, including tracks from several North Carolina artists.

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Local Beer Local Band tonight!

Local BeerThis Thursday, December 10  is Local Beer Local Band night at Tir Na Nog, which it hosts weekly in conjunction with WKNC.  This Thursday's bands are Hammer No More the Fingers, Gift Horse, and Today the Moon Tomorrow the Sun. Hammer No More the Fingers should ring a bell for most of you. There's a good chance you've heard the song "Shutterbug" at least once a week since the release of the Full length album "Looking for Bruce."  Yes, they are that good! They are performing with two out of town bands this week that fit this bill ever so perfectly.  Thanks, Chris at Tir Na Nog, for booking an awesome line-up!

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Members of local music collective Drug Horse Cartel on WKNC Thursday

Members of the local music collective Drug Horse Cartel will be on WKNC Thursday, December 10, around 3:30 pm. Nick Jaeger (Max Indian, The Tomahawks), Ryan Gustafson, Jeff Crawford (Max Indian, The Tomahawks), and Josh Moore will be on to discuss the various bands and solo acts associated with the group and their upcoming Holiday Show this Friday at Local 506, so be sure and tune in!

Only Built 4 Cuban Linx...Pt II Tour feat. Raekwon the Chef


During a year in which hip-hop seems to be coming back into the hands of actual emcees and leaving the hands of industry-supported artists, an album was dropped on September 8, 2009. An album that many, after 14 years, thought would never see the light of day. That album was the highly anticipated sequel to Raekwon the Chef's Only Built 4 Cuban Linx..., the album said to introduce the mafioso aspect to hip-hop back in 1995. Definitely being one of the hip-hop albums released this year, and in a very long time, it was only fitting that the Chef go on tour to promote his album. After a month or so in Europe, he finally hit the States and landed in the middle of North Carolina on December 6, 2009 at Carrboro's Cat's Cradle, when Raekwon, with the help of two special guests, put on a show just as equally dope as the album.

Of course, before getting to the main show, it must be brought to the attention that not all things started off with a bang at Cat's Cradle. One of the opening acts, recently signed by Raekwon's Ice H2O Records, came on stage for their performance. Having been to quite a few shows at Cat's Cradle now, this was by far the worst performance I had ever seen. The name of this group is easily forgotten, as was their performance. Five guys bouncing on stage, bringing rhymes that you would hear from Gucci Man or Lil Wayne -- and they were straight from North Carolina. Definitely not a great way to start the night. But thankfully, Raekwon's arrival on stage pushed away all the horrible memories of that performance.

A couple of weeks ago, I went to see the God MC on stage, kicking a hole in the speaker, pullin' the plug and then jetting. And I thought that was the greatest show I had been to. And while Rakim will always be the greatest rapper in my opinion, Raekwon destroyed the live show. The hunger was there -- the drive, the passion. It was like watching a ghost from the past. And it reminded you why the members of the Wu-Tang clan still have the one of the biggest followings of any rap group in the world.

Without even saying a word,  the presence of Raekwon on stage was enough to send the crowd in a frenzy. The Chef had arrived and the symbol of the Wu-Tang Clan had immediately gone up, with choruses of "Wu-Tang!" echoing through the venue. And then the saga continued. From the legendary joint, "C.R.E.A.M." to "Da Mystery of Chessboxin'", Rae kicked it off properly with joints from the classic Wu debut, 36 Chambers. And then, getting the crowd pumped up and talking about bringing real hip-hop back to the scene, Rae went straight into Cuban Linx I, grooving on stage to the song sampled in "Ice Cream" before launching into the actual song, accurately taking on verses by both himself & Wu-Tang brother, Ghostface Killah. Then it was on to the next one, ripping apart the song, "Criminology" and takin' us back to "the good ol' days". But the Chef, already down with a cold and slowly losing his voice, decided to take a brief intermission and introduced to special, special guests on to the stage...

CNN. Capone-N-Noreaga. Bringing us a special "War Report", and serving us up with classic tracks, including the amazingly dope cut, produced by DJ Premier, "Invincible." For about 10 to 20 minutes,  CNN tore up the stage, leaving none in their path. And you could tell they were going hard. Capone came back on stage for a brief minute to talk about iPhone apps, of all things, and could barely speak above a whisper because he lost his voice from the performance. And for all of you looking for the next CNN album, keep on the lookout for The War Report 2, due out on Ice H2O records sometime in early 2010.

Of course, after the brief intermission, the Chef came back up to the front and got right back in the swing of things, giving praise, respect and love to his brother, Ason Jones, also known as Ol' Dirty Bastard and then destroying track after track after that was on the Only Built 4 Cuban Linx II, from "House of Flying Daggers" to "10 Bricks" and "Black Mozart", Chef ended the saga with a bang, effectively closing up the sequel and conclusion to the original Cuban Linx album.

by DJ Wise

Monday, December 7, 2009

EOT15 Year in Review

Mike and Tom start with the news. VIP has Jim Ceresnak and Jay Dawkins cover NC State's past year. Community Canvas covers The Beast work with NC schools. Hear This recaps 09 in local music. Logan Scarborough is our Wolfpacker of the Week.