Monday, September 7, 2009

Opinion: N.C. State Football making a mockery of local music

The following opinion is not reflective of that of North Carolina State University or WKNC 88.1. (Though it should be)

Independent Weekly's music blog, Scan, did an article on local band Airiel Down who recently just recorded a new rock n' roll version of N.C. State's fight song combined with the Red & White song.

Listen: Airiel Down's N.C. State Fight Song Airiel Down's NC State Fight Song

As a student at N.C. State and longtime fan of the football team, not to mention an avid follower of all things local music related, Airiel Down's relationship with our football program does not come as a surprise. The fact that N.C. State endorses such an obtrusively meretricious band seemingly coincides with the recent state of our football squad: less than mediocre and still unabashedly brazen. And also much like N.C. State football in more recent years, Airiel Down is arrogant, flashy, and has all the makings of a solid generic-sounding rock band, yet lacks talent and foresight. I am not surprised in the least that we play their song, "Gunslinger," during every halftime (much to the dismay of my bleeding ears). But to have the ear-splitting and deprecating cover of the fight song displayed prominently for N.C. State fans to see and hear is almost too much. (It sucks)

As those who follow all of the amazing bands in the Triangle know, we have some truly unbelievably talented bands and musicians in our area and while I hate to disparage any local band, Airiel Down is not among them. As someone who spends a great deal of time promoting the good local bands that play in our area and the amount of fantastic music that our local artists create, to have the university I attend choose one that is as strepitous as Airiel Down is not only a slap in the face to myself, the football team, and the entire student body but most importantly the local music scene here in the area that we all cherish and try to support. Here I am: a student at NCSU, local music director on the student-run radio station, and a knowledgeable local music supporter. I could have suggested 25 other bands that would have fit the same genre mold but accomplished significantly more in any realm the marketing department was trying to reach before Airiel Down. All those in charge had to do was reach out to me and ask. To have a band like this represent anything that I genuinely care about is a mockery and a shame for what I stand for and support.

The fact that those in charge of marketing and media attention in our athletic program keep on committing the same judgment errors in not only the athletic aspect of things but also in regards to our student body -- Cougar Magnum was recently invited to play on campus -- says a great deal about the state of things happening within our university. I question every decision made and ponder at the future that beholds us all here. What scares me most about the decision to have Airiel Down represent our state's music scene and our football squad to 57,583 screaming fans is that 1. people will stereotype every band in the area from this one exposure as pathetic and amateur or 2. someone might actually like it.

You decide which is worse.

On a side note, you gotta love the El Che shirt Michel Barbachan is wearing during the National Anthem rehearsal.  Nothing could be less American than that.  Stay Classy N.C. State Football.


  1. Nothing could be less American then wearing a shirt emblazoned with the misrepresented image of a long-dead figurehead, long-since coopted for commercial gain and pre-fab "statement"-wear? Adam, I beg to differ. Nothing could be MORE American than stealing the likeness of a Communist icon, and using it for profit in the free market.

  2. i agree wholeheartedly that this band and song eat massive amounts of ass, however it should be noted that no one looks to ncstate sports and administration for what are great local bands. anyone who cares about local music knows about local music and having them publicized by the wolfpack wouldn't do a damned thing for either party. my experience at ncstate in regards to the student body and how the majority look at the local music scene is pretty depressing, while admittedly anecdotal.

    in other words, who the fuck cares about these douchebags and their song?

  3. As an old guy far removed from college, I was disappointed at the choice of bands and the job they did with the fight songs. I agree with AK that it reflects on the university AND the local music scene. My fist thought was, "man, has music ever gone downhill in Raleigh since I left." Where is Arrogance and The Fabulous Knobs when you need them?

  4. Mike Archer Q&A, Plus Other Items | Wolfpack SportsSeptember 9, 2009 at 7:56 AM

    [...] – Two links and some last words (maybe) on the Airiel Down fight song fiasco.  James has a great take on this issue specifically and the general musical trend in and around college football. (Also, I’m with commenter John: should’ve brought in the Tesh to do this thing.)  WKNC’s Adam Kincaid put together a nice rant on the subject: [...]

  5. What makes you the authority on which band should be used by our school? Since everone is giving their thoughts, I'll give mine. I like it and hope that all local bands get a chance to get their music out there. I don't know much about Airiel Down, but I have heard their name for over 6 years. They're doing something right! And American is freedom of thought, choice and expression! I find it brilliant in a sense! Hate on a band from Chapel Hill you priks!!

  6. a concerned NC State momSeptember 19, 2009 at 2:32 PM

    Your post is thoughtful, but Airiel Down is a hardworkin' group of State boys just trying to earn a living. This review was biased, as you haven't viewed their qualifications for excellence, as viewed here:

  7. The new Airiel Down N.C. State fight song is crap, with a capital Scottish accent.

  8. I have met and seen these guys and they are great! The lead singer is friendly to everyone and will stay till the very last person and greet all who wish. These guys are really talented and are doing more than most NC bands put together. Everyone should acknowledge the good! My entire circle likes them and will continue to do so! All of ya can bite it!!!! What have you done lately?

  9. Aireil Down has bought their way to where they are at. Any band with the budget of a lead singer who made his money in the tech sector (good for him) and used it on ridiculous promotions is bound to get publicity. In addition to hiring marketing and promotions companies, he bought a "tour bus" that he had wrapped with his band's logo as well as paying for video production on several of their songs, dropping several thousands each for videographers/producers and editing. Nothing says desperate like many of these moves. He has admitted to hiring his drummer, who he claims as competent but certainly "not the pick of the litter" from the standpoint of the connections the drummer brought in the Pittsburgh market where his family has long run many of the larger halls as concert promoters.

    Here we are now 6 years or more into their "run" and they are still only playing local venues in Raleigh like the Lincoln Theater because they are renting the venues out as private functions, not becuase of the draw of the band is great enough that the venues are entering into contracts with them. How long will they throw money at mediocre music in the hope of becoming anything more than a local generic band? will be interesting to watch and find out.

  10. Jared, every statement you made in your post is absolutely false! You know nothing of this band and are not responsible enough to get facts. The lead singer worked in construction, not the 'tech sector', and sold his home to buy the bus. The Independent published that.

    They have never spent a single dollar on their videos. They have produced/directed/edited every video on their own with a free lance film guy that is their friend, and as he said "for the love of it". I personally asked him.

    They have never payed any marketing or promotions companies. Fox 50 had a segment on them about doing everything marketing related on their own.

    Never have they "rented" out a venue. They are asked to play at home venues by us because they fill the rooms with sell out crowds every time. How do I know? I work at the Lincoln Theatre. And it's spelled Lincoln THEATRE. Your attention to detail and spelling is pathetic. If you are so well versed in music and local venues, you would know that. You opened your post by misspelling their name!

    If anyone has connections, they should use them in this day and age. You said "admitted" and use quotation marks to try and make your claim appear credible, yet no reference to support your statement. Intelligent readers know better.

    It's sad that people like you hate on people that are successful with lies. You have nothing going on for you, so you hate on someone else. You like to "watch and find out", instead of 'do and make happen'.

    Your post of jealousy is ridiculous. I would never reply to ignorance such as yours, but I have gotten to know them through the years and they have won my support. The truth is the truth and you can never change that.

    Celebrate local artists that work so diligently with great songs and shows. We will.

  11. Airiel Down is ok in my opinion, but according to myself and many others, there are much better bands who many believebands should be "representing" North Carolina in terms of music. So many bands in this state are underrated and constantly overlooked, while others are disgustingly less-than-deserving of their bought-in exposure. Ever heard of Driven? They have humbly accepted multiple Carolina Music Awards. What about Against Their Will? Back into october, they made history by attracting the largest audience in the history of NC Metalfest. With Wilson being as small as it is in comparison to Raleigh or Charlotte, this was quite an impressive accomplishment. Due to their young age (20-23) they are constantly left out of the press. I mean, come on. THIS is a band North Carolina SHOULD be proud of. They constantly fundraise for our soldiers overseas, and have a rapidly growing European fanbase, and yet they are shunned because they aren't "trendy" and douche-baggy, like bands such as Aeriel Down. In contrast, they are actually quite talented, and recieveI huge amounts of praise from national acts touring the area. Kudos to our underappreciated music gems for sticking it out as long as they have. They deserve so much better from this shitty, shallow Carolina music scene...
