Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Black Skies to be in heavy metal documentary

Chapel Hill based hard rock band Black Skies is to be featured in a soon to be released movie documentary "Slow Southern Steel" that is about underground heavy bands from the southeast United States.  The film will include interviews with band members, concert footage, and other great heavy metal glory.

Slow Southern Steel Movie Trailer #1


  1. I'm happy to see Black Skies in this but I don't really like the direction, the "trailer parks and there's nothing to do" focus. It really fosters the stereotype of southerners (like me) as a bunch of hairy, drunk animals.

  2. Afraid Of The Bear,
    Without having seen the movie... I don't think it is a direct knock on all southerners, but perhaps just the typical fanbase of some of these bands.

  3. I can see that for sure. I think we have a different kind of metal fan in the Triangle and I'm kind of picturing them instead when I think of the people who show up to see Black Skies, Caltrop, etc.

  4. We've been questioned about this movie a lot, and while we are very happy to have been asked to do it, I do think we are on a different page than a lot of the other bands in the film. Personally, I don't think the stereotypes of people from the south who listen to heavy music being a bunch of booze-filled animals who "don't give a f#@k what yall think" is anything to be glorified. We like to have fun as much as anyone, but I'd like to think our bands and our fanbases are a little more thoughtful than that. Knowing how we answered the interview questions for the doc compared to how most people in the trailer answered them, I'd say our views on being a band in the south are indeed a lot different from those stereotypes that a lot of these bands are playing up.
