Friday, May 8, 2009

In need of an (almost) infinite playlist

In less than a week, I will be going on a long trip. When I say long, I mean that I will be flying from Raleigh to Chicago, from there to Frankfurt, Germany and finally to Prague, Czech Republic. Needless to say, I'll be riding in planes for multiple hours. Although I'll be staying in Prague for about six weeks, I'm more concerned at the moment with making a monster playlist to sustain me during these ridiculously long flights than with packing clothes for the trip.

I know I'll have the chance to finally listen to the The Decemberists' April release, "Hazards of Love," all the way through, which I have heard good things about. Also, I just got "Telekinesis!" by, of course, Telekinesis, which was released in April as well and seems highly upbeat at first listen.

As for the rest of my million-hour playlist, I'm not sure. If you know of any good traveling music, post it, or shoot me an email at Suggestions would be much appreciated!


  1. If you want some music that will calm you down and make you tingle inside I recommenced something landscape-y. Explosions in the Sky and Do Make Say Think are good ones. So is Broken Social Scene's album "Feel Good Lost."

    They are nice to think to, or fall asleep to. Very relaxing and sometimes the sounds will unexplainably pull at your heartstrings.

    If you want something more upbeat that you can lip sync to I recommend Metric's "Grow Up and Blow Away." You will bob your head and want to sing along.

  2. Brian Enos-Music for airports will put you right to sleep.

    I also dig The French Kicks while traveling

  3. If you want to dance in your seat and make the person next to you uncomfortable, I would get the newest Cut Copy if you don't have it already. Neon Neon, and Hercules and Love Affair have some good dance stuff out too.

    Also, the new Camera Obscura is really good! If you want to go more chill St. Vincent had an album come out last week...and Iron & Wine has one coming out on the 19th...

    Have a great trip!

  4. Modest Mouse's "The Lonesome Crowded West" does the trick for me. Also a new release "Why There Are Mountains" by Cymbals Eat Guitars will make hours seem like minutes.

  5. The new Camera Obscura is insaneeeely good. As is the new Akron/Family and Say Hi. Also, the new Wilco album [Wilco (the Album)] comes out on June 30. Plus Paul Banks from Interpol is in the works to release a solo album this summer (whaaaa?). For Prague, though, Beirut should do the trick.
