Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Photo Bloggings: Duo-Fest 3 4/18/09

Curtains of Night were the last band of the evening, starting around 12:30.  By the time they played I, and I assumed everyone else, was completely exhaused.  Its a shame that every time Ive seen this band its been after about 21 hours of being awake.  It was completely worth the physical exhaustion, they really delivered on the heavy rock action.

For the last three years, the good people at Bull City Headquarters, Durham's community bicycle co-op/art space/occasional concert venue, has presented the Duo Fest, which showcases a diverse variety of two-person bands.  This years Duo Fest was last Saturday, and I must say it was amazing.  From the country tinged folk of Sequoya, to the intense sludge metal of Curtains of Night, the one-day festival had a little something for everyone.  It was almost too much rock and roll for one day; there were fifteen bands playing for about nine hours.  Even though I arrived about an hour late and sadly missed Battle Rockets and most of Sawteeth McTweedy, by the end of this epic day of constant musical stimulation I was totally exhausted. But, it was more than worth it to stick around to the end.

I, not being much of a writer, will not go into great detail on the fantastic show most of you missed, instead I'll just post a bunch of pictures.

Curtains of Night

Veelee does some pretty impressive indie pop, I hadnt heard this band before seeing them, but I got a copy of their demo so expect to hear them on WKNC soon.

DC punkers Trophy wife rocked pretty hard.

Trophy Wife

Trophy Wife

All Your Science is always mind-blowing.  Its amazing how good two People, one guitar, and three drums can be.

All Your Science

Beloved Binge

Another highlight of the show was the Saint Peter Pocket Veto.  I hadnt prevously heard of this band, but I should have.  They did loud and fast instrumentals, a bit like the harder type of post rock or shoegaze.

The Saint Peter Pocket Veto



Victor Victor Band came all the way from Pennsylvania.  They have sort of a bluesy rock and roll sound with great lead guitar.

Victor Victor Band


Fortress of Swatches


Scientific Superstar

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