Monday, March 30, 2009

Local Beat recap 3/27/09

So on Friday night Adam from A Rooster for the Masses stopped by with special guest James of Baltimore-based Scary River.

The reason for the occasion? ARFTM was playing at the Pour House that night alongside Scary River and the Desmonds, and playing another show Saturday night at The Cave in Chapel Hill alongside Death to the Details.

We chatted for the better part of an hour about everything from South by Southwest, which Scary River was on its way back from, to songwriting inspiration.  Oh, and Adam gave away a copy of "Broken Era," the band's recently-released album, to a lucky listener.

A Rooster for the Masses, c/o the band's Myspace

Check out the complete interview, in 3 parts, below.  And be sure to tune in this Friday right around 6:00 (courtesy of NC State Baseball), as we will have Scott Phillips of Goner in, along with potentially some very exciting other guests!


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